
The Insanity Land

I have witnessed many characters

I have talked to many

I have read their faces

Read their minds

And understood their souls


But it happens very rarely

That some of those

Leave a piece of them behind

For you to cherish and hold

For an eternity, probably longer


These are the ones

Who are probably more hurt

More cheerful

More experienced

And even more cruel

Than most of us.


The pieces left behind

Can change the life

The point of view

The sense of knowing things

And the reader itself


Me… Oh yes!!…

I’ve read a lot of pages

Pages that make a book

Pages that make autobiographies

Pages that make a course

Pages that make a novel


Somehow all of those

All the pages, novels combined

Have changed the way act

Have blurred the lines


To identify the difference

The exact contrast

Of what is black

And what is white

They left me in the grey area


The grey area….

Hard to explain really

Nothing makes much sense

Conflict at every point

Awesome and confusing both


Choosing between sanity

And what they call insanity

Both playing tug-of-war

With the little brain of mine

Uhh!!… So exhausting


I still remember though

That remarkable moment

That precise hour

The exact minute

And even the second


I crossed that arbitrary line

And ended up in

The Insanity Land

Just so overwhelming

Most beautiful place ever


I really want to tell you

How i felt being there

Not pretending

So many characters showing up

In my mind..

At very odd moments


But it’s just difficult

The tale can’t be told

It’s the one

To be experienced

To be lived


To be…..

Oooh!!!…. Cookie….



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